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Daniel's Extreme Salvia Challenge which involves Daniel attempting the Saltine cracker challenge and the cinnamon challenge, while on Salvia, after which he attempts to crack 100 coconuts, all in under one minute. This is Daniel's first attempt at the saltine cracker challenge. Video of a man trying to break a coconuts record. Adam plays beer pong with two female students.
Adam goes on a boat ride with a lady with extremely large breasts. After batting the balls for several minutes, Daniel hacks open a coconut with a nail. He then attempts to crack a hundred coconuts in one minute. Video of a man unable to break any nuts in an attempt to break a record on breaking coconuts that first aired on Aftenshowet on DR1 in Denmark. Unfortunate domain of the week: nig.com (Royal Bank of Scotland Group subsidiary National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation).
Web Redemption for the one of the day. Adam goes on a boat ride with a lady with extremely large breasts. Dan-el shows up to a party to get out of going to a doctor. Dan-el goes on a boat ride with a lady with extremely large breasts.
In this video, Daniel goes on a boat ride with a lady with extremely large breasts. Watch the video to find out more information. Daniel goes on a boat ride with a lady with extremely large breasts. Adam Kepler's attempt at the Cinnamon Challenge is aired on Aftenshowet. Adam shows up for hugs and kisses.
Visual Analog Scale (VAS). VAS is a basic tool for measuring pain. It consists of a one-dimensional line, with a range of values from 0 to 10. The patient is asked to indicate the level of pain by placing a mark on the line, which is graduated for that purpose. The patient can mark the line at any point, but it is usually done from 0 to 10. The number 0 is considered to be “no pain at all” and 10 “the most intense pain imaginable”. The line is usually marked at the point where the patient feels that the pain intensity reaches its maximum.
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