Gnome Serial Terminal Program [BEST]
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Connecting to the serial console on Linux does not require installing any drivers, but you may need to install screen using your package manager. You'll use a terminal program to find your board, and screen to connect to it. There are a variety of terminal programs such as gnome-terminal (called Terminal) or Konsole on KDE.
That being said, it will not be ncurses based. tio is specifically designed not to use ncurses so that the scroll buffer will be managed by whatever terminal program that you prefer to use (tmux, screen, gnome-terminal, tilix, Konsole, putty, etc.). I will implement the split I/O feature so that you can redirect input and output independently to any terminal via the socket feature. This will be a very flexible solution as it will allow you to e.g. redirect to any tmux pane or window, or other terminal of your choice.
The serial port communication programs moserial or gtkterm provide an easy way to check connectivity and modify /dev/ttyUSB0 (or /dev/ttyUSB1!) settings. Even though there maybe only a single USB to RS232 adapter, the n designation /dev/ttyUSBn can and does change periodically! Both moserial and gtkterm will show what port designation is relevant in their respective pull down menus when selecting an appropriate port to use.
I suggest that newbies connect a PL2303 to Ubuntu, chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 (file-permissions) and connect to a CuteCom serial terminal. The CuteCom UI is simple \\ intuitive. If the PL2303 is continuously broadcasting data, then Cutecom will display data in hex format
It is sometimes helpful to have a serial console for debugging purposes and a serial terminal for headless operation. A serial console will send all console output to the serial port. A serial terminal, if properly configured, also lets you log on to the system via the serial port as a remote terminal. You can set up both or just one. This article will cover the configuration of serial terminals in RHEL.
I figured I'd give a rundown of serial terminals I regularly use on Linux to access consoles on embedded boards through a serial port. I tend to favor both Putty (runs on Windows and Linux) and screen, but a couple others are listed here as well.
Colors can be controlled by the terminal emulator program you're using (e.g. in Terminator or the defualt Gnome Terminal's preferences), the bash shell (with $PS1 $LS_COLORS, etc), and through whatever other program you're using in the terminal like (vim, git, etc.). It seems there is some kind of hierarchy here where the color settings from the programs run in your terminal override the colors set in your terminal emulator's settings - e.g. colors set in vim override colors set in Terminator's preferences.
For this, it's important to know something about the history and what a terminal emulator is doing. Namely, it is literally emulating an old hardware terminal, such as the VT100. For example, the Wikipedia article on the GNOME Terminal indicates it is emulating the Xterm terminal emulator (which is more software), which itself was emulating the VAXStation 100 (which is a physical thing). These old terminals were serial devices---they saw the world as a stream of input, which is being generated by whatever program is currently running in the foreground in your terminal session.
So to get color, programs outputting to the terminal need a way to signal things like \"this next text should be red.\" This is indicated by feeding the terminal an escape code, which tells the terminal the immediate next few characters are meant to be interpreted as commands, and not echoed for the user to see. In particular, to get color, the command means something like \"Switch to displaying text in so-and-so-color\" and later \"Go back to displaying text in normal color.\"
minicom is a serial communication program that connects to devices through a GNU/Linux PC's serial ports. If run by calling its name without any additional arguments, it uses whatever settings have been saved for its defaults in /etc/minicom/minirc.dfl. For those using Windows, PuTTY is a viable application to make such connections between a Windows PC and one of our EMAC devices. More information about PuTTY can be found at
The use of a terminal emulator, such as minicom, is required when connecting to an EMAC board via a serial console. This page sets out to provide general information about using minicom to communicate between EMAC machines and a development PC.
This program is a very important tool for developers. The serial console is essential for working with the bootloader on ARM systems, since U-Boot cannot be accessed via ssh. Using the serial console, you will be able to configure the bootloader, to program new kernels via the bootloader, to program new filesystems, to make a copy of the filesystem on a board, and to perform memory checks using U-Boot. The serial console will also enable you to see startup and shutdown messages, to configure and debug the system when networking is not configured or is not working, and to debug the system when the machine is not booting up.
Use the following command to manually enable a serial terminal on NST versions 2.15.x or above using systemd. This example will use the current baud rate (agetty -s option) set typically during a boot time and use serial device: \"/dev/ttyS0\". If one needs to adjust the baud rate, send a break character on your communications application to cycle through the baud rate list (i.e., In this example: 115200, 38400 and 9600).
The NetworkManager application uses the ModemManager plugin. If you have NetworkManager running and are using the minicom terminal emulation program with a USB serial port adapter, then you may experience garbage characters being sent to the USB serial port. These characters are generated from the ModemManager application and may prove to be undesirable. One solution to resolve this issue is to disable the startup of the ModemManager application via the NetworkManager. This can be accomplished with the following:
This section will describe the steps needed to attach a serial device to an NST Virtual Machine (VM) under VMware Workstation (v7.1.x or greater) control for serial console output. This will allow one to examine the complete boot sequence via the serial console output including boot strapping the Linux Kernel. See the article: Using the VMware Workstation emulated serial port on a Linux host for advanced usage (i.e., Howto setup a Linux Kernel serial debugger) of the serial console under VMware Workstation control. In this example we will add a Unix Socket connection serial type and use the nc (netcat) utility for attachment to the socket (I/O) in a Gnome Terminal. Alternatively, one could use the minicom terminal emulation program and set the serial device to point to a Unix socket (e.g., \"unix#/tmp/nstcom2\").
The Unix pipe: \"/tmp/nst-ttyS0.pipe\" will be created when the virtual machine is started (not before). So, the trick to capture everything is to be ready to start the nc command in a gnome-terminal when the virtual machine goes through its initial BIOS routines.
At this point, you can press the Enter key in the VirtualBox window to start the boot process. You should see the entire boot log appear in your gnome-terminal where the nc command is running.
In order to login as user: 'root' on a specific device, make sure that the device is listed in the \"/etc/securetty\" file. The \"/etc/securetty\" file is read by the login program: \"/bin/login\". Its format is a list of the tty devices names allowed, and for all others that are commented out or do not appear in this file, 'root' login is disallowed. For example, to login as user: 'root' on USB serial device: \"ttyUSB0\" make sure it is added to the \"/etc/securetty\" file. See the example content below for file: \"/etc/securetty\":
Configure your terminal program (e.g., TeraTerm, PuTTy) with the settings shown below. If not already available, refer to Tera Term Terminal Emulator Installation Guide (UG1036) for instructions on installing a terminal program on your computer.
GNS3 uses Solar-PuTTY as the default console terminal in Windows* (see note), and will attempt to use the default system terminal in other operating systems (gnome-terminal, for example, in vanilla Ubuntu).
No matter what method you use for connecting the RS232 device to your PC, it shows up as a serial device. On Windows its a COM port such as COM1. On Linux it shows up as a teletype terminal (TTY) device such as /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0.
The terminal screenshot from the previous section, listing the serial communication devices, holds more important information. Namely that only the root user or members of group dialout have permission to access it. With other words, you should add your own user to group dialout. Otherwise you cannot access the /dev/ttyACM0 serial device.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pragmaticlinux_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pragmaticlinux_com-leader-1-0');
After pressing the reset button on the Arduino Uno, the menu from the example program appears. This proves that the Linux system properly receives data from the Arduino Uno serial device. To test that we can send data back to the Arduino Uno, we can press either 1 or 2 on the keyboard. The on-board LED should then start blinking every 100 milliseconds or 500 milliseconds, respectively:
In my opinion, screen works great for monitoring the serial port on Linux. The only tricky and non-intuitive part is closing the screen program. You would expect that CLTR+c would to the trick or perhaps ESC. Unfortunately not. To properly exit screen, perform these two steps:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pragmaticlinux_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pragmaticlinux_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); 153554b96e