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Mar 23, 2023
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C5 Corvette Projector Headlights Install Download --->>> Spec-D headlights are designed to be a direct replacement for your factory headlights and require no modifications, cutting or wire splicing to install. These headlights are designed to provide you with a much brighter and cleaner light to improve safety and appearance. Every Spec-D Tuning light is DOT approved, ensuring it's street legal and can be a direct replacements. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Lego Wedo Software 1.2 Download [UPD] Click Here ===== Is it possible to downgrade to that firmware ? I tried to modify the download link from lego to get a earlier version of the Prime App. But the Latest Version I could get was the 1.1.4 Version and the Firmware which is delivered with that App Version ist 1.10 for the Prime. MOOZ Studio is a all-in-one slicing software specially designed and developed for MOOZ. It supports 3D printing, laser and CNC Gcode generation, which simplifies your workflow.1. Add file management function;2. Optimize the 3D model slicing function;3. Fixed some bugs.If you have trouble downloading directly, click ' -phtwpfXZky0C2bHGOgp4/view?usp=sharing' to download on Google Drive. Dobot robot control software, including driver files. It supports Magician, Magic Box+Magician Lite and other devices, including functions such as Teaching&Playback, Write&Draw, Blockly, Script, etc.The content of this software version update is:1. EV certificate was added;2. Fixed some known bugs.If you have trouble downloading directly, click ' _w0L8DAFXvh9LFQ/view?usp=sharing' to download on Google Drive. Newly launched DobotBlock software, users get to program robots and other Dobot hardware devices simply by dragging and dropping. That said, users can have every movement of the robot at their fingertips while having fun exploring and learning AI and other technologies.The contents of this software version update are:1.Fixed some known bugs;2.Added Portuguese translation files.If you have trouble downloading directly, click ' =sharing' to download on Google Drive. 1. DOBOT Magician software for Mac OS, includes driver files. Support Mac OS 10.11 and above;2. Support Magic Box+Magician Lite, including Teaching&Playback, write&Draw, Blockly, and Script.3. Bug fixes.If you have trouble downloading directly, click ' -MCwBoU7246Ugja7uCxIkj_A-Iem/view?usp=sharing' to download on Google Drive. DOBOT Magician software for windows XP. Includes Dobot driver. For detailed installation and instructions please download DOBOT Magician User Manual-Tutorials. ( Attention: Blockly and Leaption are not supported under windows XP OS). This is the iOS app control software of a collaborative robot launched by Yuejiang technology, which is applicable to the CR/Nova/MG400/M1Pro series collaborative robot of Yuejiang. Friendly interface, innovative graphical programming, supporting user secondary development. Users can search for "CRStudio" in the iPhone or iPad app store to download. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Elcomsoft Ios Forensic Toolkit Warez 46l Download File ::: Oxygen Forensic Suite is by far the most powerful mobile analytics toolkit on the market. Designed for investigators and forensic specialists, the toolkit can analyze information from a huge number of mobile devices including all models of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. You can feed it with iPhone backups acquired with Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit or downloaded with Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
ManyCam Pro 6.6.0 Crack With Activation Code Free Download __LINK__ Click Here >>> ManyCam Pro Activation code and serial number can act as a voice converter, so you can change and apply sounds to both women and men. Add a video desktop, mention news, and add your location, and name. This feature makes this program very essential. In this era it is a need for time, everyone is so busy. Many people work in multiple ways, and ManyCam Torrent can fulfill their obligation. CrackHomes team provides a crack version of the best webcam software. You can download it from below and use the activation keys for activation if the crack version does not work. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Apple Probando Siri En El IPhone 4 Y Otros Modelos Internamente Download File ---> primero no entiendo como puede haber tanto ignorante hablando lo que noes, iphone 4s en applestore esta DESDE us$199 con la nota clara de «Requiresnew two-year wireless service contract;» o sea contrato de 2 años conun proveedor de USA además de que requiere vivir alla y tener buencrédito etc,,,,, igual que en comcel, el de 64gb esta desde us$399 ,,,eso por el lado del precio para que no sueñen con traerlo, por el ladode los 3GB de navegación, les dije en otro comentario navego hace un añotodo el tiempo estoy averiguando en la calle cosas en googledirecciones, etc, viendo el mapa gps para encontrar direccionesdificiles, leyendo páginas, viendo cuanto video se me ocurre ver poryoutube (inclusive factor xs jaja) y nuna me ha llegado un cobro mayor a163.000 y en el menu del iphone en uso me dice que llevo en un año 1.6gigas recibidos y 170 enviados, aunque bueno lo enviado si depende decada quien pero tiene que ser muy cabeza dura para enviar un archivo de100 megas desde el cel y mas conectado a 3g para eso se busca un wifi ylisto,,,, es el mejor celular y super estable llegan las notificacionesque uno quiere que lleguen y las que no se desactivan, que mamera tenerun pito todo el día para saber que alguien hizo pipi,,,,,, por lo de losplanes es mejor comcel (y eso que antes los odiaba y queria retirarme)pero el plan 400 incluye 800 minutos (no 400) a cualquier destino y 6elegidos que con esos minutos habla uno mucho mas con las personas mascercanas, en cambio los otros tienen miles de minutos entre movistarpero a operadores externos que son la mayoria tienen muy poquitos,,,, elque tiene casi igual minutos que comcel cuesta practicamente lo mismopero le estan cobrando el celular e 1´200.000 asi que ustedes decidan cual es mejor,,,,, primero no entiendo como puede haber tanta gente hablando lo que noes, iphone 4s en apple store esta DESDE us$199 con la nota clara de «Requiresnew two-year wireless service contract;» o sea contrato de 2 años conun proveedor de USA además de que requiere vivir alla y tener buencrédito etc,,,,, igual que en comcel, el de 64gb esta desde us$399 ,,,eso por el lado del precio para que no sueñen con traerlo, por el ladode los 3GB de navegación, les dije en otro comentario navego hace un añotodo el tiempo estoy averiguando en la calle cosas en googledirecciones, etc, viendo el mapa gps para encontrar direccionesdificiles, leyendo páginas, viendo cuanto video se me ocurre ver poryoutube (inclusive factor xs jaja) y nuna me ha llegado un cobro mayor a163.000 y en el menu del iphone en uso me dice que llevo en un año 1.6gigas recibidos y 170 enviados, aunque bueno lo enviado si depende decada quien pero tiene que ser muy cabeza dura para enviar un archivo de100 megas desde el cel y mas conectado a 3g para eso se busca un wifi ylisto,,,, es el mejor celular y super estable llegan las notificacionesque uno quiere que lleguen y las que no se desactivan, que mamera tenerun pito todo el día para saber que alguien hizo pipi,,,,,, por lo de losplanes es mejor comcel (y eso que antes los odiaba y queria retirarme)pero el plan 400 incluye 800 minutos (no 400) a cualquier destino y 6elegidos que con esos minutos habla uno mucho mas con las personas mascercanas, en cambio los otros tienen miles de minutos entre movistarpero a operadores externos que son la mayoria tienen muy poquitos,,,, elque tiene casi igual minutos que comcel cuesta practicamente lo mismopero le estan cobrando el celular e 1´200.000 asi que ustedes decidan cual es mejor,,,,, 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Citylights Dubbed In Hindi Movie Free Download |BEST| Citylights Dubbed In Hindi Movie Free Download >> The Los Angeles area is currently suffering the effects of three major wildfires that are blanketing the area with smoke. Over the past few days, Southern California has experienced record-breaking temperatures, topping 110 degrees Fahrenheit in some cities. The heat, in combination with offshore winds, helped to stoke the Sherpa Fire west of Santa Barbara, which has been burning since June 15, 2016. Over the weekend of June 18-19, this fire rapidly expanded in size, forcing freeway closures and evacuations of campgrounds and state beaches. On Monday, June 20, two new fires ignited in the San Gabriel Mountains north of Azusa and Duarte, together dubbed the San Gabriel Complex Fire. They have burned more than 4,900 acres since June 20, sending up plumes of smoke visible to many in the Los Angeles basin and triggering air quality warnings. More than 1,400 personnel have been battling the blazes in the scorching heat, and evacuations were ordered for neighborhoods in the foothills. On June 21, the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument aboard NASA's Terra satellite captured this view of the San Gabriel Mountains and Los Angeles Basin from its 46-degree forward-viewing camera, which enhances the visibility of the smoke compared to the more conventional nadir (vertical) view. The width of this image is about 75 miles (120 kilometers) across. Smoke from the San Gabriel Complex Fire is visible at the very right of the image. Stereoscopic analysis of MISR's multiple camera angles is used to compute the height of the smoke plume from the San Gabriel Complex Fire. In the right-hand image, these heights are superimposed on the underlying image. The color scale shows that the plume is not much higher than the surrounding mountains. As a result, much of the smoke is confined to the local area. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Network Lookout Administrator Professional 3.5.2 Keygen NEW! Download File ---> Monitoring remote workstations on a network is usually a job carried out only by the administrator. Still, this activity can also be carried out in schools, for example, to guide or assist students. Among the many applications that can make this task come true, you can find Network LookOut Administrator Pro. Plain user interface. This program has a decent yet preferably understandable interface, but practicality is at its core, and from that perspective, simplicity is undoubtedly welcomed. With a generous space reserved for viewing the remote screens, this utility provides a new set of features for all types of users. To manage the systems under surveillance, it is possible to add them one by one and have them listed as such, or you can opt for creating groups in which several PCs can be included. The list of actions you can trigger remotely is sufficient to give you full control over the target computers. It lets you access remote systems naturally. With Network LookOut Administrator Pro, you can type and click on the remote system, like your local workstation. The power options of the managed computers are at your disposal, which puts only a click away operations like reboot, shutdown, hibernation, or stands by. Even the screensaver on the remote PC can be started or stopped, while the user currently logged onto that station can be logged off just as quickly. Opening documents, running applications, or specific commands remotely is also supported, alongside the possibility of using the web browser on that computer. Requires administrator rights. A critical mention that has to be made is that administrative privileges on the monitored workstations are necessary for the actions mentioned above. On the whole, Network LookOut Administrator Pro offers a robust set of functions and is so easy to operate that even beginners can get along well with it. So, if you need this software for Windows, download it with a fix. In this guide, we describe mobile threat intelligence as actionable information that mobile administrators can use to make changes to their securityconfiguration to improve their posture relative to recent discoveries. Intelligence data include malicious URLs, IP addresses, domain names, and applicationnames or package/bundle IDs, as well as malware signatures or vulnerabilities in applications, mobile devices, device platform services, or mobile securityproducts. This list is not all-encompassing, as any recent information that could inform rapid changes to enable an enterprise to better secure a mobiledeployment against novel or newly enhanced threats is equally applicable to the term. This capability may be found in various other types of technology, such asMTD and other network analysis tools. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Dev Tamil Movie Free Download Utorrent WORK Download - Torrents have a bad reputation due to piracy. However, they aren't illegal in themselves and have many legitimate uses, including downloading open-source software and material that's in the public domain."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"\u26a1 How to protect your Torrent downloads?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are two ways to protect your torrent downloads: Using the proxy server as most of the popular torrent program support proxy servers. Download torrents using a VPN."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"\u2757 What are the important features of torrent clients?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Here are important useful features of torrent clients: Platform Compatibility: It should be compatible with various platforms.Ease of Use: Operating a torrent client should be easy.Price: It is should be free or be available at an affordable cost "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"\u2705 How to download torrented files on a PC?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Below is a step by step guide on how to download torrented files on PC: Step 1) Download, install and start any good VPN like ExpressVPN on your computer Step 2) Download any of the above-listed Torrent clients, install it on your computer and open it Step 3) Now go to a torrent search website and find the file you want and download its torrent file Step 4) Now add the torrent file in the Torrent client and start downloading Step 5) Set and limit the bandwidth for smooth downloading Step 6) Once the download is completed, Right-click on the file and choose the \u201cOpen containing folder\u201d option "}}]}],"@id":" -torrent-clients.html#schema-28330","isPartOf":{"@id":" -torrent-clients.html#webpage"},"publisher":{"@id":" "},"image":{"@id":" -clients-hero-image.jpg"},"inLanguage":"en-US","mainEntityOfPage":{"@id":" -torrent-clients.html#webpage"}}]}document.documentElement.classList.remove( 'no-js' );img.wp-smiley,img.emoji {display: inline !important;border: none !important;box-shadow: none !important;height: 1em !important;width: 1em !important;margin: 0 0.07em !important;vertical-align: -0.1em !important;background: none !important;padding: 0 !important;}body{--wp--preset--color--black: #000000;--wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray: #abb8c3;--wp--preset--color--white: #ffffff;--wp--preset--color--pale-pink: #f78da7;--wp--preset--color--vivid-red: #cf2e2e;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange: 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Mar 23, 2023
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Pinner 1.0 Crack Extra Quality Pinner 1.0 Crack === The discovery brought me to my feet, and set me running towards the end of the shaft of sunlight. I left the heather, scrambled up some yards of screes, and had a difficult time on some very smooth slabs, where only the friction of tweed and rough rock gave me a hold. Slowly I worked my way towards the speck of sunlight, till I found a handhold, and swung myself into the crack. On one side was the main wall of the hill, on the other a tower some ninety feet high, and between them a long crevice varying in width from three to six feet. Beyond it there showed a small bright patch of sea. There was more, for at the point where I entered it there was an overhang which made a fine cavern, low at the entrance but a dozen feet high inside, and as dry as tinder. Here, thought I, is the perfect hiding-place. Before going farther I resolved to return for food. It was not very easy descending, and I slipped the last twenty feet, landing on my head in a soft patch of screes. At the burnside I filled my flask from the whisky bottle, and put half a loaf, a tin of sardines, a tin of tongue, and a packet of chocolate in my waterproof pockets. Laden as I was, it took me some time to get up again, but I managed it, and stored my belongings in a corner of the cave. Then I set out to explore the rest of the crack. It slanted down and then rose again to a small platform. After that it dropped in easy steps to the moor beyond the tower. If the Portuguese Jew had come here, that was the way by which he had reached it, for he would not have had the time to make my ascent. I went very cautiously, for I felt I was on the eve of a big discovery. The platform was partly hidden from my end by a bend in the crack, and it was more or less screened by an outlying bastion of the tower from the other side. Its surface was covered with fine powdery dust, as were the steps beyond it. In some excitement I knelt down and examined it. I watched him shin up the face of the tower, and admired greatly the speed and neatness with which he climbed. Then I followed the crevice southward to the hollow just below the platform where I had found the footmarks. There was a big boulder there, which partly shut off the view of it from the direction of our cave. The place was perfect for my purpose, for between the boulder and the wall of the tower was a narrow gap, through which I could hear all that passed on the platform. I found a stance where I could rest in comfort and keep an eye through the crack on what happened beyond. An unwary movement of my hand caused the screen to creak. Instantly the movements ceased and there was utter silence. I held my breath, and after a second or two the tiny sounds began again. I had a feeling, though my eyes could not assure me, that the man before me was at work, and was using a very small shaded torch. There was just the faintest moving shimmer on the wall beyond, though that might come from the crack of moonlight. I swept her behind a stack of furniture, with my eyes glued on a crack of light below the door. The handle turned and the shadows raced before a big electric lamp of the kind they have in stables. I could not see the bearer, but I guessed it was the old woman. The house was like a tomb for silence. There was no crack of light anywhere, and none of those smells of smoke and food which proclaim habitation. It was an eerie job scrambling up the steep bank east of the place, to where the flat of the garden started, in a darkness so great that I had to grope my way like a blind man. I groped my way down the passage till I had my hands on the far door. I hoped it might open on the hall, where I could escape by a window or a balcony, for I judged the outer door would be locked. I listened, and there came no sound from within. It was no use lingering, so very stealthily I turned the handle and opened it a crack. The mist had gone from the sky, and the stars were shining brightly. The moon, now at the end of its first quarter, was setting in a gap of the mountains, as I climbed the low col from the St. Anton valley to the greater Staubthal. There was frost and the hard snow crackled under my wheels, but there was also that feel in the air which preludes storm. I wondered if I should run into snow in the high hills. The whole land was deep in peace. There was not a light in the hamlets I passed through, not a soul on the highway. Wake led, for he knew the road and the road wanted knowing. Otherwise he should have been last on the rope, for that is the place of the better man in a descent. I had some horrible moments following on when the rope grew taut, for I had no help from it. We zigzagged down the rock, sometimes driven to the ice of the adjacent couloirs, sometimes on the outer ridge of the Black Stone, sometimes wriggling down little cracks and over evil boiler-plates. The snow did not lie on it, but the rock crackled with thin ice or oozed ice water. Often it was only by the grace of God that I did not fall headlong, and pull Wake out of his hold to the bergschrund far below. I slipped more than once, but always by a miracle recovered myself. To make things worse, Wake was tiring. I could feel him drag on the rope, and his movements had not the precision they had had in the morning. He was the mountaineer, and I the novice. If he gave out, we should never reach the valley. No prisoner waiting on the finding of the jury, no commander expecting news of a great battle, ever hung in more desperate suspense than I did during the next seconds. I had forgotten my fatigue; my back no longer needed support. I kept my eyes glued to the crack in the screen and my ears drank in greedily every syllable. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
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Mera Naam Chin Chin Choo Movie Watch Online _VERIFIED_ Mera Naam Chin Chin Choo Movie Watch Online ===== Nair was also inspired to make the film after watching Héctor Babenco's drama Pixote (1981). She said, "on the first day of shooting, I received the news that the child actor who played the character of Pixote was shot dead in the street. After this incident, I was more determined to make Salaam Bombay!, and decided to share the film's dividends with street children if we could."[6] After making four documentaries,[7] Salaam Bombay! was Nair's first full-length feature film.[8] And so with jests and with pinches he went the round of all the girls and at last sat down alongside of the fat Katie, who put her fat leg upon his, leant with her elbow upon her knee, while upon the palm she laid her chin, and began to watch indifferently and closely the surveyor rolling a cigarette for himself. She bent down to Jennka and kissed her on the forehead. And never afterwards could Volodya Chaplinsky, who had been watching this scene with a painful tension, forget those warm and beautiful rays, which at this moment kindled in the green, long, Egyptian eyes of the artiste. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
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Download Cisco Network Magic Pro 5.5.9195 Serial Number ((FULL)) Full 16 CLICK HERE > The last full version of Network Magic was 5.5. Incremental updates brought the release number up to 5.5.9195.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Stephen Cooper","description":"Stephen Cooper has taken a close interest in online security since his thesis on Internet encryption in the early 90s. That formed part of his BSC (Hons) in Computing and Informatics at the University of Plymouth. In those days, encapsulation techniques were just being formulated and Cooper kept an eye on those methodologies as they evolved into the VPN industry. Cooper went on to study an MSC in Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Kingston University.\nCooper worked as a technical consultant, sitting DBA exams and specializing in Oracle Applications. With a long experience as a programmer, Cooper is able to assess systems by breaking into programs and combing through the code. Knowledge of IT development and operations working practices helps him to focus his reviews on the attributes of software that are really important to IT professionals.\nAfter working as an IT consultant across Europe and the USA, he has become adept at explaining complicated technology in everyday terms. He is a people person with an interest in technology\n","url":"https:\/\/\/author\/stephen-cooper\/"}}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I still upgrade Network Magic?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you have Network Magic Basic, you would upgrade by installing Network Magic Pro. However, this is no longer available.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Stephen Cooper","description":"Stephen Cooper has taken a close interest in online security since his thesis on Internet encryption in the early 90s. That formed part of his BSC (Hons) in Computing and Informatics at the University of Plymouth. In those days, encapsulation techniques were just being formulated and Cooper kept an eye on those methodologies as they evolved into the VPN industry. Cooper went on to study an MSC in Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Kingston University.\nCooper worked as a technical consultant, sitting DBA exams and specializing in Oracle Applications. With a long experience as a programmer, Cooper is able to assess systems by breaking into programs and combing through the code. Knowledge of IT development and operations working practices helps him to focus his reviews on the attributes of software that are really important to IT professionals.\nAfter working as an IT consultant across Europe and the USA, he has become adept at explaining complicated technology in everyday terms. He is a people person with an interest in technology\n","url":"https:\/\/\/author\/stephen-cooper\/"}}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is it legal to still use Cisco Network Magic?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. It is legal to use Network Magic. The system doesn\u2019t include any password crackers or hacker tools that could get you in trouble.\u00a0","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Stephen Cooper","description":"Stephen Cooper has taken a close interest in online security since his thesis on Internet encryption in the early 90s. That formed part of his BSC (Hons) in Computing and Informatics at the University of Plymouth. In those days, encapsulation techniques were just being formulated and Cooper kept an eye on those methodologies as they evolved into the VPN industry. Cooper went on to study an MSC in Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Kingston University.\nCooper worked as a technical consultant, sitting DBA exams and specializing in Oracle Applications. With a long experience as a programmer, Cooper is able to assess systems by breaking into programs and combing through the code. Knowledge of IT development and operations working practices helps him to focus his reviews on the attributes of software that are really important to IT professionals.\nAfter working as an IT consultant across Europe and the USA, he has become adept at explaining complicated technology in everyday terms. He is a people person with an interest in technology\n","url":"https:\/\/\/author\/stephen-cooper\/"}}}]} {"@context":"http:\/\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"Home","item":"https:\/\/\/"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"Net Admin","item":"https:\/\/\/net-admin\/"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":3,"name":"8 Best Cisco Network Magic Alternatives","item":"https:\/\/\/net-admin\/network-magic-alternatives\/"}]}Net Admin8 Best Cisco Network Magic Alternatives We are funded by our readers and may receive a commission when you buy using links on our site. 8 Best Cisco Network Magic Alternatives Since Cisco discontinued the program, Network Magic users have found that the system has gradually slipped out of date, often doesn't work properly, and doesn't have a help desk backing it. We'll show you the best alternatives. Stephen Cooper @VPN_News UPDATED: December 22, 2022 body.single .section.main-content.sidebar-active .col.grid-item.sidebar.span_1_of_3 { float: right; } body.single .section.main-content.sidebar-active .col.grid-item.content.span_2_of_3 { margin-left: 0; } You set up a Domotz account, accessing the cloud-based console through any standard Web browser. You can add in any number of networks to your account, with a fixed price per site. The Domotz system will download an agent onto a server on each network. The agent then acts as an SNMP Manager, scanning regularly for device status reports and compiling an asset inventory and a network topology map. This starts the cycle of live network monitoring services. 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Mar 23, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Dragon Magazine 306.pdf Download Adobe ##HOT## DOWNLOAD >>> These are the best Greyhawk-related web sites that I have found on the internet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have! Essential Greyhawk Web Resources Key Greyhawk Web Resources Greyhawk Adventure Modules Blogs Magazines Mailing Lists and Discussion Forums Maps PC and Online Gaming Publishers Social Media Wikipedia WotC and TSR links Essential Greyhawk Web Resources Joe Bloch's Greyhawk Grognard web site and blog - an old-school approach to Greyhawk; Joe has also compiled several useful resources for Greyhawk research, most especially his Greyhawk Lore Project (a compilation of Greyhawk research notes culled from many sources) Ant "Echohawk" Brooks' Greyhawk Collector's Guide - the most-comprehensive listing of Greyhawk products created to date. It definitely supercedes other such listings, including Russ Taylor's Greyhawk Product Checklist. Ant also has similar listings for each edition and setting of D&D, with discussion and updates still being made in the Greyhawk Collector's Guide thread. Canonfire! - _the_ Greytalk fans web site, and it's Greyhawk forums; as of July 2020, the site in the midst of some long-needed upgrades and overhauls! vestcoat's "Greyhawk Year In Review" threads provide a very useful retrospective look at continuing development---official and unofficial---of the Greyhawk setting: Greyhawk 2017: Year in Review Greyhawk 2016: Year in Review Greyhawk 2015: Year in Review Codex of Greyhawk (via the Internet Archive) Philip Falconer's World of Greyhawk Bibliography (an in-print and upcoming listing of books published by Gary Gygax, Rob Kuntz, Frank Mentzer, and others appears on the PPP Boards) Geffyl's Gygax's Legendarium blog (a repository of early articles about Chainmail, the history of the Greyhawk campaign, and various hard-to-find letters by Gary Gygax and Rob Kuntz) Greyhawk Fiction by Various Authors - Greyhawk fiction and software hosted by Tracy Johnson (nearly all now also available via the Internet Archive) Russell Bird's various Greyhawk fictions Scott "Scottenkainen" Casper's Greyhawk Castle storyline isn't hosted by Tracy, but is good stuff none-the-less :D Erik Mona DMs Greyhawk: discussion on the Paizo boards about Erik's GH campaign, in which he runs the Age of Worms Adventure Path scenarios Jason Zavoda's story archives include Nosnra's Saga (my personal favorite) The Great Library of Greyhawk wiki, now hosted on GreyhawkOnline, updated, improved and beginning to integrate Jason Zavoda's index entries into it's wiki pages too! Denis Tetreault's Maldin's Greyhawk - home to the Greyhawk Adventures webring and the beautiful Living Greyhawk Journal #2 City of Greyhawk maps, and Drowic Underworld maps, among many other things Aaron Sheffield's TalMeta's Greyhawk Gods for RuneQuest and Greyhawk Maps (as well as other settings) Krista Siren's Gord The Rogue site (formerly Christopher B. Siren's site)---the quintessential site for fans of Gary Gygax's Gord fiction, set in Greyhawk (and also available via the Internet Archive) Russ Taylor's Greyhawk Product Checklist and The Gods of Greyhawk and Dragon Magazine Greyhawk Article Index (all via the Internet Archive) Stephen B. Wilson's GreyChrondex version 4.2 (15 May 2001) (alt download in PDF format) and GreyGods - warning: both are huge text files (and via the Internet Archive) Key Greyhawk Web Resources Canonfire's Greyhawk Downloads - the archive, mirror, and host for key Greyhawk files, including: Rob Kuntz's History of Tharizdun Clay Luther's Clay Luther's Greyhawk Calendar, and an alternate version of the same calendar with additional Greyhawk holidays added Roger E. Moore's Revised Greyhawk Campaign Index Roger E. Moore's Gates in the World of Greyhawk Living Greyhawk Divine Order (a sortable listing of deities) can be downloaded as a zipped Adobe Acrobat 5.0 .pdf file Minifigs released a line of World of Greyhawk miniatures back in the late 1970s (drawn primarily, although not exclusively from Minifigs' pre-existing ranges of Aureola Rococo, Swamp Lords, and Valley of the Four Winds): TSR and Minifigs included a flyer for the World of Greyhawk line of miniatures in the 1980 Greyhawk Folio (primarly in the first and fifth printings of the folio set, per The Acaeum). I've scanned the World of Greyhawk Minifigs miniatures flyer as a PDF file, and also provided larger and smaller JPG images of each side of the flyer as distinct images/downloads: Flyer front - larger, smaller Flyer back - larger, smaller Joe Bloch's catalogue-style listing of Greyhawk Minifigs with commentary is a wonderful resource for anyone desiring to use GH Minifigs in their campaigns---either the figures themselves, or the implied background materials from the titles and design of each miniatureLarry Elliot's listing of Greyhawk Minifigs miniatures (via the Internet Archive, alas, again...) Sean K. Reynolds' Greyhawk writings: The Quest For Pain's Memory (tournament adventure run at WinterFantasy 2002) Pain's Memory (Hextor) (an artifact, one of Hextor's flail's) Robert Vest's Bastard Greyhawk (via the Internet Archive) Jazon Zavoda's "Index Greyhawkiana" is a comprehensive index listing of the people, places, and things of Greyhawk, and is is now (as of Spring 2020) available in Excel and TXT file formats from the linked page above, as well as from Greyhawk Resources on Facebook (via the "Files" section, last updated Spring 2020), and the original text file (last updated August 2003) Greyhawk Adventure Modules Bill and Ben Barsh at Pacesetter Games have published several sequels/expansions to classic TSR adventures, several of which are set in Greyhawk Canonfire! hosts many fan-written adventures set in the WOrld of Greyhawk, in the Adventures section of its Downloads area Carlos Lising has written numerous adventures usable in Greyhawk via his casl Enterainment company Dragonsfoot hosts free AD&D/1e modules, many of which are set in Greyhawk Anthony Huso has published several excellent AD&D/1e adventures and sourcebooks, which fit in nicely into Greyhawk's environs; Greyhawk fans will definitely want to check out his City of Brass adventures and City of Brass map (free download for players, with DM version on the same page), and his planar poster (free download) Rob Kuntz has published many AD&D/1e Greyhawk adventures through his own companies Creations Unlimited, Pied Piper Publishing, TLB Games, and Three Line Studio, as well as through other old-school publishers, including Black Blade Publishing (my company with Jon Hershberger), Chaotic Henchman Productions, Paizo, Troll Lord Games, etc. Rob Kuntz also released his 1987 "(To the) City of Brass" tournament adventure for free, available at the Acaeum; Anthony Huso also provided a free download that colorizes Kuntz' original hex map Bill Silvey has written several modules for Greyhawk, including two for solo fighters and thieves, WGH2 Temple of the Sun, WGH3 Into the Howling Hills, WGH4 Tombs of the Howling Hills, WGH5 Lords of the Howling Hills, and most-recently The Lost Crypt published via Frog God Games Blogs and Videos Joe Bloch's Greyhawk Grognard Mike "Mortellan" Bridge's Greyhawkery blog, full of great Greyhawk articles, World of Greyhawk comics archive (a hilarious parody of all things Greyhawk), and more! Mike recently (as of October 2018) teamed up with Anna Meyer to launch "Legends & Lore"---a new show on the Greyhawk Channel (run by DM Shane). As its title suggests, the L&L show focuses on Greyhawk's legends, background, and in-game setting history, cartography, and other fun topics that can inspire your Greyhawk games, or help you dig deeper into Greyhawk's rich tapestry of content sources. I don't watch shows live, but do catch them when they're posted to the Legends & Lore Playlist on YouTube (also a part of the Greyhawk Channel on YouTube). Scott "Scottenkainen" Casper and Mike "Mortellan" Bridges are publishing a wonderful Castle Greyhawk web comic, inspired by Scott's Castle Greyhawk fictions from BITD on Greytalk (but better, since they're expanding the storyline from the originals, and Mike's art is a great addition to the stories!) Greytalk Archives, as slowly being recreated by Scott "Scottenkainen" Casper Magazines Dragonsfoot's "Footprints" magazine features quite a bit of Greyhawk content, including many articles from Lenard Lakofka Living Greyhawk Journal - an independent RPGA publication for five stand-alone issue, LGJ then became a section within Dragon Magazine (from December 2001 with Dragon issue 290 through April 2003 with Dragon issue 306), and was then published as a part of Dungeon/Polyhedron (beginning in May 2003 with Dungeon issue 98 through Dungeon issue #) Living Greyhawk Journal Index on Canonfire! DragonDex, is, of course, the best index of Dragon Magazine available The Oerth Journal - a free, online fanzine produced by the fans, and for the fans. The GHO site has a nice database that will keyword filter articles by title/author! Joe Bloch has an excellent (and current) Oerth Journal index on his Greyhawk Grognard site/ Erik Mona's History of the Council of Greyhawk (including historical information about the founding of the OJ, the Council of Greyhawk, etc.; via the now-ubiquitous Internet Archive...) Mailing Lists and Discussion Forums Gary Gygax, creator of the World of Greyhawk, has dedicated forums or threads at Gary Gyagx's World of Greyhawk (run on Dragonsfoot) Gary's Clarifications is a file compiling all of the Q&A from Gary Gygax across the Dragonsfoot forums =FE&fileid=409&watchfile= The Colonel's Corner (run on Rob Kuntz's PPP boards) Gary used to answers questions about Greyhawk, gaming in general, his personal life, etc. in ENWorld's General Discussion forum; all of the Q&A threads are archived in ENWorld's archive forum at: Gary Gygax Q&A: part XIII Gary Gygax Q&A: part XII Gary Gygax Q&A: part XI Gary Gygax Q&A: part X Gary Gygax Q&A: part IX Gary Gygax Q&A: part VIII Gary Gygax Q&A: part VII Gary Gygax Q&A: part VI Gary Gygax Q&A: part V Gary Gygax Q&A: part IV Gary Gygax Q&A: part III Gary Gygax Q&A: part II Gary Gygax Q&A: part I The Greyhawk Other Worlds forum at Wizards of the Coast was borgified with many other setting fora into the Other Published Worlds forum Greyhawk-L list - the official Greyhawk mailing list, sponsored by Wizards of the Coast; this list is all-but dead WotC's Greyhawk-l archives WotC's Greyhawk-L signup page (which allows you to subscribe, unsub, change to digest, etc. from a handy web-interface) To send messages, address them to Greytalk list - the first Greyhawk email list on the internet, founded in 1994! To subscribe, send a blank email to To unsubscribe, send a blank email to To send messages, address them to Canonfire!, the primary hub of online Greytalk fandom Morgan Olden's searchable Greytalk Archive (left here in the hopes that it'll come back online eventually) Greytalk weekly chats Thursday nights, from 8pm to 3am EST Set your IRC client to in channel #greytalk Or, use the web-based java client at (you'll still connect to channel #greytalk) Harvester's Heroes, Greyhawk fans publishing high-quality Greyhawk resources Paizo Publishing's Greyhawk-related forums include: Maure Castle by Rob Kuntz (from Dungeon Magazine) Savage Tide Adventure Path (from Dungeon Magazine) The Age of Worms Adventure Path (from Dungeon Magazine) The Shackled City Adventure Path (only nominally in Greyhawk;j also from Dungeon Magazine) The Piazza's dedicated Greyhawk forum. The Piazza also features boards for Blackmoor, Lankhmar, and many other old-school settings (from TSR and other publishers). Rob Kuntz's Pied Piper Publishing features discussion forums for Rob's gaming company (Rob was co-DM of the original Greyhawk Campaign with Gary Gygax); in particular, on Rob's boards, check out: Robilar Remembers - Memories from the Greyhawk Campaign) Otto's Observatory - Discussion of all things Greyhawk Rob also published his first three Maze of Zayene modules through Necromancer Games, who maintain a Maze of Zayene forum; Rob published MoZ4 Eight Kings through Different Worlds Rob also published Dark Druids and Dark Chateau with Troll Lord Games, who maintain Rob Kuntz's Corner on their boards Rob published Maure Castle with Paizo Publishing in Dungeon Magazine Living Greyhawk (forum run by Wizards of the Coast) Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil - discussion about Monte Cook's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil module, published by Wizards of the Coast in June 2001) Taerre - French-speaking Greyhawk mailing list The Taerre web site To subscribe, send a "SUBSCRIBE TAERRE" command to To set digest mode, send "SET TAERRE DIGEST" to To unsubscribe, send a "UNSUBSCRIBE TAERRE" command to To send messages, send to World of Greyhawk - discussion about Greyhawk at the Knights & Knaves Alehouse, an excellent OD&D and AD&D board Maps Professional Maps Darlene Pekul's maps from the 1980 Greyhawk Folio remain the defacto standard for all Greyhawk maps. Buy a copy on eBay and laminate them. You'll never regret it. Paizo Publishing printed a four-part poster map of Greyhawk in Duneon Magazine issues 118 through 122; it's well-wroth buying the back issues for the maps and then laminating them (unlike the Darlene maps, the Paizo maps need to be laminated since they're on very low-weight paper stock). Fan Maps Web sites with Greyhawk cartography seems to come and go with much more frequency than it's possible to keep up with. At any given time, the following links are the most likely to be out of date on this page. Eric Anondson's Greyhawk maps (also hosted on Canonfire!) Anna Bernemalm's Greyhawk Maps site - BEAUTIFUL work! Anna also promotes and manages the Flanaess Geographical Society on Facebook, which is a group filled with mostly-maps-related Greyhawk discussions Daniel Rivera's T1-4 maps are fabulous: Hommlet, Nulb, The Welcom Wench, the Moathouse, etc, etc.---well-worth checking out! Halfling's CC2 page (various maps; I especially like those from GDQ) Kent Matthewson's composite map is indispensable to using Ivid the Undying MStanton's Annotated Map from the City of Greyhawk Boxed Set Paul Stormberg's maps for the Hommlet-Nulb region around T1-4: DM Map (in B&W) and Players Map TalMeta's World of Greyhawk maps PC and Online Gaming Troika's Temple of Elemental Evil - a faithful 3.5 edition version of Gygax and Mentzer's 1985 classic dungeon! Neverwinter Nights Greyhawk Adventures - the hub for Greyhawk NWN development includes "Who Wants to be a Greyhawk Guru" trivia game, with some tricky questions Useful NWN DM advice can be found the article "DM Profiles: Sweeney Todd and Duncan" Thief - while technically not a Greyhawk game, the atmosphere, backstabbing, and intricate plot-weavings of Looking Glass Studios' and Ion Storm's wonderful PC games are, for me, quintessential Greyhawk City fodder (sans the Murlynd-inspired artifacts of the Mechanists, of course...) Eidos' Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold, and Thief II: The Metal Age established the line... ...and Thief: Deadly Shadows (aka, Thief 3), continued it Primary Discussion Forum Official sites PublishersPublishers, you say? Is Greyhawk actually supported?? Well, yes! Check out the following publishers for official and unoffiical Greyhawk products (publishers without hyperlinked names are not actively publishing Greyhawk-related content any longer, although their products listed blow are still in print): 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
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Mar 23, 2023
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My Secret Bully Pdf 44 DOWNLOAD >>> As online harassment permeates social media, the public is highly critical of the way these companies are tackling the issue. Fully 79% say social media companies are doing an only fair or poor job at addressing online harassment or bullying on their platforms. But even as social media companies receive low ratings for handling abuse on their sites, a minority of Americans back the idea of holding these platforms legally responsible for harassment that happens on their sites. Just 33% of Americans say that people who have experienced harassment or bullying on social media sites should be able to sue the platforms on which it occurred. While most Americans feel that harassment and bullying are a problem online, the way to address this issue remains up for debate. The policies used to combat harassment and the transparency in reporting how content is being moderated vary drastically across online platforms. Social media companies have been highly criticized for their current tactics in addressing harassment, with advocates saying these companies should be doing more. About half of Americans say permanently suspending users if they bully or harass others (51%) or requiring users of these platforms to disclose their real identities (48%) would be very effective in helping to reduce harassment or bullying on social media. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
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Mar 23, 2023
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Aerocraft Boats By Serial Number ##VERIFIED## DOWNLOAD The first AeroCraft aluminum boats were made in June 1946 at St. Charles. The original boat constructed was a twelve-foot row-motor boat. Ten boats per week rolled off the assembly line by November. Orders came in at a much quicker rate than expected, so that by March 1947 they were building fifty boats per week with sixty workers on the payroll. That year they purchased an eight-acre plot on the outskirts of the city and constructed a new production facility. The first public stock offering occurred in 1948 when lack of working capital forced the owners to seek assistance. A number of St. Charles businessmen invested including A.S. Brennan who became president. A hull identification number, or HIN, is the unique serial number assigned to a boat. HIN plates are a federal requirement used to identify boat manufacturers defects and/or any recalls. These plates are frequently referred to as Hull ID plates. Capacity plates might also be required, which show weight, horse power, number of persons per boat size, etc. 2b1af7f3a8
Mar 23, 2023
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